‎ Tuesday 25 February, 2025 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Course Description:

As an early childhood educator or service leader, you play a vital role in creating inclusive environments where all children can thrive. This course will equip you with practical strategies to support the inclusion of children with disability or developmental delays in your setting. You’ll explore how to structure your environment to ensure every child has access to learning opportunities and is supported to engage and participate. You will be provided with an overview of evidence-based strategies and examples of how they have been applied in real-world settings. By the end of the course, you'll be equipped with a comprehensive toolkit of inclusive teaching strategies to use at your service. 

By the end of the course, you will have the knowledge to: 

  • structure the ECEC environment to support the engagement and participation of all children in routines and learning experiences, including making reasonable adjustments to improve access and support participation. 
  • implement strategies to support individual children's participation and learning within the routines and learning experiences of the ECEC setting. 

Links to National Quality Standard Descriptors 

1.1.3    Program learning opportunities 

1.2.1    Intentional teaching 

3.2.1    Inclusive environment 

5.1.1    Positive educator to child interactions

Links to Australian Professional Standards for Teachers 

1.6     Strategies to support full participation of students with disability 

3.3     Use teaching strategies 

3.5     Use effective classroom communication 

4.1     Support student participation

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